Monday, August 14, 2023

Funny Captions #81 - #100

Funny Caption #81

Alfred Hithcock and MGM's Leo the Lion

"I just hope you're having tea with me, not having me for tea."

"That impression of a dog with your tongue hanging out is so unbecoming of a cat like you..."

"Lights! Camera! Sit! Oh no! I said 'sit', not 'leap'!"

"How do you like your tea? With milk, and two lumps of chickens or rabbits?"

"A lion and a man alone in a room, is that your idea of suspense, Mr. Hitchcock?"

"Is Hitchcock photobombing this photo just like what he did in most of the pictures he made?" 

"Before you're thinking of having Hitchcock tartare, remember that the photographer is a reliable eyewitness and we also have photographic evidence, and most of all you have no alibi whatsoever."

Funny Caption #82

Immigration tackle at the Mexican Border
Border patrol officers tried to keep fugitive in the U.S, 1920

"If Mexico is good enough for Leon Trotsky, Luis Buñuel, Che Guevara, and the Shah of Iran, then Mexico here I come!"

"Escape justice by fleeing to Mexico? Are you pulling my leg?"

"Tug of war at the border."

"I've never been happier to be a couple of feet shorter..."

"Law enforcement is a such a drag."

"Mexican stand-off or Mexican lying-on?"

"Short legs that were caught by the long arms of the laws."

"He definitely suffers from a case of split nationality."

"Look what you've missed out by putting up a border wall!"

"Is that your idea of getting a dual citizenship?"

"Torn between two loves: the love of Uncle Sam and the love of freedom."

Funny Caption #83

Santa's Yumnut: a pasty launched by M&S for the 2020 Christmas 

"Ho ho ho holey crackers of a name!"

"‘Who wants a bite of Santa’s Yumnut™?’, M&S asked. Who Elves but Mrs. Santa, of Claus!"

"Santa's Yumnut: bought to you by the same country that concocted 'spotted dick'."

"This dessert is best eaten after the mouthful enjoyment of Love Sausage™, which was also created by M&S. Sausage and donut go together like bolt and nut or Tarzan and Jane or horse and carriage or teapot and cup or coin and fountain or raindrop and flower or Santa and his belt or...just ask Freud!

"No sex (innuendos) please. We're British!"

Funny Caption #84

Mad Hatterpillar - an Aussie caterpillar with multiple heads


"The Eifel Tower of the insect world."

"I just don't understand why you want to carry all those dead weights around!"

"Six heads are better than one."

"I'm not a head hunter. All these heads are mine. All mine! Muhahahaha!"

"Extra extra! I've got five of 'em!"

"I assume you don't have a fear of height?"

"It's lovely to meet you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you!"

"Yes! I've got a very high IQ and am a high minded individual!"

"Isn't obvious that I'm inclined to be mentally balanced?"

"Hi pal or high pillar! Halloween is still months away!"

"These heads will confuse the hell of them flies!"

"I hope I won't grow into a six headed butterfly. I prefer to be a beauty and the beast in one."

"You're stacking nicely as a librarian. Good parallel browsing of the book shelves..."

"Being brainy is a heavy burden. I oughta know!"

"I'm constantly haunted by memories of all my pasts!"

"When Harry Met Hedy."

Funny Caption #85

Soviet's Leonid Brezhnev met East German Erich Honecker
 in 1979 in Berlin

"From Russia With Love."

"Easy Leo! Pace yourself! We have time."

"Umm...did you just have beluga or sturgeon caviar for lunch? Spill it out! I won't kiss and tell..."

"Let's show the West what communist leaders are capable of!"

"Hey Leo, at this distance, I can finally see that you actually have two eyebrows."

"No world leaders can French kiss like Russian's."

"Let's give the press in the West something to write about."

"You call that a kiss? Bolshevik!"

"Shaken, not stirred."

"Who do you think this kiss feels like it lasts forever. Them two or the rest of us?"

"Totally in-your-face bromance."

"The iron curtain is finally lifted to reveal the real reason behind the earthquake that caused the Fall of the Berlin Wall!"

Funny Caption #86

Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for president Trump with hair dye running down his cheek
Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for president Trump with
hair dye running down his face while claiming election fraud


"I don't have a nasty streak whatsoever!"

"Wowza! I've never seen anything that big and so wrinkly!"

"Live and let dye!"

"Is this thing safe to eat?"

"Some ooze confidence, other oozes eww !"

"Before drilling the unspoiled Alaska for oil, why not consider my head first?"

"I can make headline everyday without breaking a sweat!"

"Just realized he was hit by $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit for his election fraud allegation."

Funny Caption #87

"This bloke is swimming over the alcohol limit."

"Things ain't going too swimmingly for him."

"Free and natural sand facial scrub for men...From Revalon."

"Crikey! That's not what I bloody call an Australian crawl, even if you're an Aussie mate!"

"She sees Sim swims by the seashore."

"An Early sign of the devolution of Homo sapiens to return to the ocean." 

"Shoring up a pump and dump operation."

"This awkward caterpillar crawl is eventually evolved into the beautiful butterfly stroke we all come to know and love."

Funny Caption #88

Trump Buddha statue sold on Taobao in China
with the tagline  "make your company great again"

"What the hell is this? Jesus frigging Christ!"

"Designed and made in China."

"Why should only American get to worship the man?"

"When capitalism trumps Buddhism."

"If Homer Simpson can be turned into a Buddha statue (S16E12), why not Trump?"

"Trump studies Buddhism in Nipple or Button."

"The picture that appears under the dictionary entry 'Oxymoron'."

"Omg many pat me hon. Omg many pat me, hon..."

"Serenity...Serenity now! SERENITY NOW!! SERENITY NOW!!!"

Funny Caption #89

Convair  model 118, the first flying car (1947)

"I think this design ain't gonna fly."

"This contraption is operating on a pair of wings and a prayer."

"Yesterday I spotted an UFO in the sky: an Undeniable Funny Oddity."

"I own this. So take that, John Travolta! No, don't. It's mine!"

"Should I land it on a car park or an airport?"

"Is it a bird? Superman with a bum bag? No, it's a plane giving birth to a car!"

"Am I only allowed to fly on the left? And should I only drive on the starboard side?"

"'Stay the hell away from my car roof, flyboy!', the driver shakes his fist in the air."

"Who can say 'no' to a hitchhiking car with a nice pair of headlights?"

"Your wish of engaging the mile high club in a car can finally be realized with this baby."

Funny Caption #90

Wombat and its square poop
Australian wombat and its dropping


"Cube shaped dung? No bullshit or horseshit. It's wombat dropping from Down Under."

"When it comes to the business of waste disposal, wombats don't cut corners."

"Proof that wombats get their 3 square meals everyday. You're what you eat."

"For the last time, I'm a Wombat from Australia, not an Ewok from NZ where Star Wars was filmed!"

"Tired of playing with Rubik's Cube? Why not try Wombat's Poop instead!"

"Wombats don't 'cut some brownies'. They just come out that way."

"Finally, Nature shows us that it is possible to pull off the trick of getting square pegs out of a round hole."

"Not that I haven't tried, but no dice! Just bloody angry grapes (the Grapes of Wrath)!"

Funny Caption #91

"The 'R' in the gear box turned out to be the 'Rollover' function."

"I've just installed the latest anti-carjack feature."

"Hello! What do you mean that your car is possessed? You mean 'repossessed', right?"

"This car has just heard a hilarious joke."

"That's not what I meant when I said you should do car flipping on the side."

"It threw a temper tantrum after a visit to the car accessary shop, and refuses to go home."

"Another alcohol fueled car that's way over the limit. Throw some cold water on its hood should wake it up from its drunken stupor."

Funny Caption #92

Apple's new emoji
Apple's emoji introduced during the pandemic.
   Here are some possible meanings or suggestive uses...


"First time smoker."

"I think you're just blowing smoke, dude!"

"Boi, I'm getting a brain freeze from the Slurpee!" (in a Jerry Lewis high-pitched voice)

"First morning 'aloha' in Antarctica or Alaska (but not in Hawaii)."

"Reaction to news of the recriminalization of cannabis."

"I should stop smoke-jogging like that William Hurt character in Body Heat."

"Phew! Dunno how much longer I can suck in my stomach while a girl passes by."

"Sorry honey. I'll try harder to last longer next time."

Funny Caption #93

Golden statue of Trump at CPAC in Orlando (2021),
made by 
Shijiazhuang D & Z Sculpture Co., China


"It's not just his wardrobe of long ties that's made in Chy-nah."

"Did somebody melt down the Golden Calf and made into his image?"

"This statue would blend invisibly like a chameleon into his New York home."

"Die-cast or type-cast?"

"Somewhere in the Enchanted Land of Free, the Tooth Fairy or Tinkerbell is looking for her magic wand. (Is that as bad as a cop losing a gun?)"

"Christ, I was able to see, and now I am blinded by all that glitter. Amazing, Grace my dear!"

Funny Caption #94

Candy striper sold cigarettes to patients in hospital
Photo taken circa 1960s

"Take 1 Lucky Stripe after breakfast, and 2 Camel after dinner."

"A packet a day, keep the doctor in pay."

Funny Caption #95

Belle Starr - an outlaw - on a horse, Arkansas, 1886

"Why don't you come up and see me sometime?"  - Mae West

"The bigger a man's gun, the smaller his doodlewick."  - Calamity Jane

"Marry me and I'll never look at another horse!"   - Groucho Marx

"When I'm good, I'm very good. When I'm bad, I'm better."  - Mae West

"I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."  - Mae West

"Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"  - Mae West

Funny Caption #96

Laptop Compubody Sock

"Over the top computer privacy."

"Isn't this a socking bright idea?"

"The most eye catching for-your-eyes-only tool."

"Data privacy? No sweat with this hot sweater; it comes in wool or cashmere."

"While I'm protecting my data, feel free to steal my phone / wallet / bag under my nose."

"When a Guy Fawkes mask just isn't anonymous enough."

"Man-machine interface could never be more intimate."

"A fright or flight response to privacy."

"Dropping a subtle hint to the passenger next seat that you aren't in a talking mood."

"I wear my paranoia with a woolen jumper."

"Is that you, agent Maxwell Smart? Mr. Bean?"

"It's one thing to wear it in a plane, and another in a bank."

"In the 1920s, we ushered in the picture tube; in 2005, we've got You Tube; and now hail the arrival of the Sweater Tube!"

"Yo yo bro! The new geek is in the hood!"

Funny Caption #97

The lo-res mirage of a pair of pants being worn backward / no visible zipper


"The iron is broken, so a waffle iron was used for pressing my pants. Sad!"

"Excuse me America, my eyes are up here!"

"The media has got it backward, I'm just leading from behind."

"Has his fly flown away?"

"Tailor tailor, you're fired!"

Funny Caption #98

Mao Mao the famous professional kitty car model
making an appearance in an auto show in Chongqing, China, 2020

"Move it, you dog slow driver!"

"Only people walk down a catwalk. I drive down to it."

"Cat can do whatever birds can."

"You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here!"

"I'll accept Bitcoin, but never Dogecoin. Never!" 

"Car + Cat = Cool Ca$h !"

Funny Caption #99

An US Postal Service promotion
for baby by parcel post in 

"You've got mail...child!"

"Where do you stick the stamps? Top right corner of the kid's forehead?"

"I hope they are generous with styrofoam or bubble wraps! (if they were available back then)"

"U.S. Postal Service had done a corporate takeover of the stork's business of baby delivery."

"People, remember use only boxes that are marked with 'This Way Up', and 'Fragile'. Also, poke some air holes for God's sake."

"One possible advertising slogan could be 'We gladly lend the midwives a helping hand'."

Funny Caption #100

Cat owner invites neighbours to reclaim items stolen by her feline pet Esme

"Excuse me, I'm not a thief, I'm a natural born cat burglar!"

"Tired of stealing hearts, she decides to steal something more tangible."

"Shaming or apologizing? The difference is a thin cloth line."

"I was thinking of keeping a cat, but this gives me paws."

"On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me. 10 pairs of gloves, 9 facial masks, 8 bathing suits, 3 paint rollers, and a length of fabric too."

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Funny Captions #61 - #80

Funny Caption #61

A collaboration between KFC and Crocs
 (available in Spring 2020)

"This is what you get when you cross a chicken with Crocs."

"I'm too chicken to wear these shoes!"

"Some food for foot."

"'s toe lickin' good!"

"Finally there's somebody you can ask 'why the chicken cross the road'..."

"Would you like some fries with your shoes, m'am?"

"Just what the podiatrist ordered." 

"If you accidentally drop some sauces onto these shoes, they become more tasteful."

"Do my feet look fat in these? Or wearing them make my feet fat?"

"A convenient marriage of fast food and low fashion."

"At last, somebody finds a way to fill my void with both food and fashion at the same time. Two for the price of one. Or more correctly, two birds with a pair of shoes. Yay!"

Funny Caption #62

Victorian photograph that documents
 ladies' hairstyles

"This is not one of those so called backlight photography, is it?"

"Victorian ladies are so camera shy."

"Photographic evidence that Victorian women are backward."

"Hey everybody! Look at this beautiful wall painting!"

"Is it something I said? " Asks the photographer

Funny Caption #63

"Just taking a smoking break from the pandemic."

"He's smoking in a Beijing's smog-free zone."

"Excuse me sir...where can I buy these smoker friendly mask?"

"Please take note that my cigarette has an air filter."

"Does this mask come in a smooth menthol flavour too?"

"Is that a legal loophole?"

"Warning: smoking cigarette or drinking disinfectant won't kill Coronavirus. Just you."

Funny Caption #64

Praying Mantis catches lizard
a praying mantis catches a lizard

"How does that grab ya?"

"Praying mantis? No, preying mantis!"

"Bite off more than you can chew?"

"Praying? Man 'tis a meal!"

"It's gonna go straight to my thigh. Heck, it's not everyday I'm having lizard for dinner!"

"Relax lizard. You should hear a crack, then it's fixed."

"Look closely, Jackie Chan! I only show you once!"

"This meat is good enough to die or kill for..."

"We can start off with cleaning, and then we'll move to that loose tooth."

"Time for a new handbag."

"It'll be all over pretty soon lizard. I'm quite hungry."

"Listen to the sound of my voice...your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier..."

Funny Caption #65

Taken 1939

"Take that, Hitler!"

"Show me what you've got, Tommy!"

"Ok, I'll take four of these for starter."

"She's smokin' !"

"Military umbrella provides a strategic cover."

"Duck season? Rabbit season?"

"Cloudy with a chance of lead and mist."

"Dressed to kill?"

Funny Caption #66

Plac'Eat Bubble
Plex'Eat bubble prototype designed for physical separation in restaurants
by French designer Christophe Gernigon

"A device to let you pretend hard of hearing and avoid those awkward dinner conversations. Social distancing, right?"

"I always find low hanging chandeliers a bit intrusive."

"Bubblehead idea?"

"Time saver for busy people. Get your hair done while you eat."

"Introducing the new line of Maxwell Smart's Cone of Silence for monologue."

"Ding! A lightbulb lit up above Mr. Germigon's head."

"The internet is finally extended to real life: staying in your own comfy echo bubble."

Funny Caption #67

Toilet without door

"Toilet with a view."

"'WC' stands for either 'Watch Covertly' or 'Wait Courteously'."

"Audition couch for exhibitionists."

"A convenient bus stop."

"Please lady first, I insist!"

"Betting is strictly prohibited."

"We don't believe in putting up walls, and we're big on open door policy."

"Our architect has never told us that he belongs to the School of Minimalism."

"Nervous? Why not start with a joke, or picture your audience naked..."

"Embarrassing budgeting errors being exposed."

"Ladies and germs, welcome to Wikileaks!"

Funny Caption #68

Mannequin in a restaurant in Virginia, USA to enforce social distancing

"Is that a dummy...Pardon my French...a mannequin sitting over there?"

"Tell me. What a classy doll-face like you doing in a joint like this?"

"Waiter, have you seen my dummy husband?"

"Miss Lovelace, would you rather dine with a real man like me?"

"Very funny! I asked for a blind date. Not a mute date!"

"Social distancing is a dish best served empty with a side of mannequin."

"Fake news, deep fries fakes, fake meats, and now fake diners? What's next on the menu?" 

Funny Caption #69

Inflatable dolls placed in a restaurant in South Carolina, USA to maintain distancing
Inflatable dolls placed in a restaurant in
South Carolina, USA to maintain distancing

"She blows!"

"What are you looking at? Never seen a sexy doll before y'all?"

"Make it snappy waiter! I'm running on empty here."

"I don't like to dress too formal for dinner. I don't wanna look fake."

"Who would have known that she's so long winded?"

"No smoking please! I'm highly inflatable or unstable or something-able..."

"What do I think of Covid-19? I'm deflating just talking about it!"

"All I'm saying is, too much stimulus will lead to huge inflation in the private sector. Is that what you want, Ken? Do ya?"

Funny Caption #70

Magpie / crow holding a knife

"Online delivery during a power outage."

"You like my anklet?"

"Not a murder of crows. Just one."

"Edgar Allan Poe sends his greetings."

"You said I should bring something for the picnic."

"Die Krähe, Schubert!  Die!"

Funny Caption #71

"She's a perfect shoe-in for that bartender vacancy."

"The serviette and sandal should keep her clothes from getting dirty."

"It's best not to put your foot in your month in a party. However, your footwear is more than welcomed."

"Meanwhile at a gas station, I heard somebody yell out, 'fill her up'."

"An attempt to add earthiness to the wine?"

"Open Sesame! Here's Johnnie!" 

"Where rubber meets the throat."

"At least, the sandal is a Goodyear."

"The first step of mummification."

"A mutant strain of the HFMD virus - being coined the Hand, Footwear and Mouth Disease - is spreading at an alarming rate via the transmission mode of binge drinking."

Funny Caption #72

An odd shadow casts on the Martian soil
Shadow cast by Curiosity rover on Martian soil

"Snorkeling gear wearing Matt Damon is fueling Curiosity rover with a one gallon milk bottle."

"Doc Emmit Brown taking parts from the rover for the repair of his DeLorean time machine in order to travel back to year 2033."

"A movie poster for Capricorn Two, a sequel to Capricorn One (1977)."

"There's nowhere in the Solar System that's safe from car thief anymore."

"A brave Martian fights the rover, defending its homeland from space invader from planet Earth."

Funny Caption #73

personal classified ad for 2 Victorian women
Photo was taken in the 1910 - 20s

"Two for the price of one promotional deal (for the ads that is)."

"Personal classifieds in Utah's local newspaper?"

"Sometimes a swing is just a swing."

"Marrying into a family or marrying the whole family?"

"It is universally acknowledged that men are known to be incapable of reading subtle courtship signs. Bigger signs then?"

"With the advent of film photography, the matchmakers have been replaced by the photographers, whose future is bright."

Funny Caption #74


"City folk!"

"Holy macro, Batman!"

"Maybe what I need is that robe, not this rope."

"There's the mere mortal way, and then there's the Buddha Way." 

"Look at him go! Jesus Christ!"

"His enlightened feet aggravate my heart."

"What the investment world calls 'Climbing the Wall of Worry'. Seems impossible, but there it is. Believe your eyes, not your brains."

Funny Caption #75

Woman smokes 20 cigarette at the same time
Photo circa 1950. A lady with a smoky voice...

"A sure-fire way to get a heartburn."

"Allo, allo! This is Brigette smoking...excusez moi...speaking!"

"Dunhill had a fire sale and I bought a truckload. They expire in a few months."

"I've lots of money to burn. So choke on it!"

"I'm a busy exec. I want to smoke a pack in the time other smokes a cigarette."

"Can't decide if I want to smoke a pipe or a cigarette...voila!"

"Don't stay too close to this femme fatale. Or you'll be driven to tears."

"I want to live fast, die young and leave a bellediful corpse. C'est la vie!"

"She inhales O2, and exhales CO40."

"Chain smoking? That's so passé. Try the chic centipede smoking!"

"Nothing I can say. A total eclipse of the lung." (this caption should be sung like Bonnie Tyler)

"I'll start with burning cigarettes, and then move onto my brassieres in the next decade or so. I'm trying to make a political statement. Okay?!"

Funny Caption #76

Fly on Mike Pence's head during televised VP debate
A fly landed on Mike Pence during 2020 VP Debate

"There's no need to be a fly on the wall or on the head. The Debate is widely televised."

"'Fly, Mike Pence, fly!', the moderator pointed to his head."

"The debate would be perfect if it weren't for that fly in the ointment on his hair."

"Liar liar, fly on Pence hair!"

Funny Caption #77

Phragmotic-headed ant
Phragmotic-headed ant. Image by Alex Wild

"My mum the Queen Ant dropped me on my head when I was a baby."

"Say what? You want to use my head to plug your bottle of wine?!"

"I can hold several numbers, as well as carry them over in my head."

"Sometimes on the 6th Day (about 10:56pm), while creating ants, God got bored, and needed a little variety for laughs."

"So glad I don't attend normal ant schools."

"I once read book under a tree, and then an apple fell on me." Issac Newton (allegedly)

"I totally hate that 'Knock knock, who's there?' joke. So stop it!"

"The hammerhead shark and me is a now an item. We go together like hammer and nail ever since it side-eyed me."

"If I compliment your head, would you be flattered?"

"It's a good thing that I'm not a tyre, a champagne, or a battery."

Funny Caption #78

covid-19 challenge
Tiktoker Larz licked toilet bowl
for the "coronavirus challenge"

"Doggone it!"


"Hey buddy, you miss a spot on the left..."

"I hope you wipe your mouth afterwards with toilet paper. But don't use too much due to shortage." 

"To make my video go viral, I just need to eat some virus. Who would've thought?"

"Have a go at the Darwin Awards for 2020?"

"When Andy Warhol spoke about 15 minutes of fame, he didn't say anything about toilet fixture. That's more like his influencer Marcel Duchamp's thing."

"I do this so my doctor will see me. TV's Dr. Phil, that is."

Funny Caption #79

Presidential speech teleprompter
Teleprompter was used for the first time in
Dwight Eisenhower's 1952 presidential campaign

"This speech flows like waterfall."

"Four scores and seven feet away, our team brought forth this teleprompter..."

"A long long time ago in a speech header far, far away..." (accompanied by the Star War theme music)

Funny Caption #80

Monkey Smokes

"Monkey see, monkey do, of the worst kind."

"This really blows!"

"I just love to light up a stick of Winston, morning, noon and night."

"See no evil. Smoke no Camel..."

"Them monkeys have gone bananas."

"Dr. Zira is smoking, lost in deep contemplation about George Taylor."

"Thanks God for the lighter. It's easier to get fire from rubbing a stick than striking a match with these giant tree hanging hands."

"I really enjoy that mild, sophisticated fragrance. So refined. So me."

"In the future, we would need to put warning on the cigarette package about the loss of tree swinging performance due to smoking."

"Human is trying to remove the Simian threat by helping them to devolve."

"Smoking the souvenir from tourists."

Funny Captions #81 - #100

Funny Caption #81 "I just hope you're having tea with me, not having me for tea." "That impression of a dog with your ton...