Sunday, July 23, 2023

Funny Captions #01 - #20

When i came across a funny image, i couldn't help but respond it by making up captions. Over time, i came up with enough of them that i thought i would share them with the world. Hope you enjoy it as i as i made them. The list probably continue to grow. So check back for possible new ones. 😏

Feel free to come up with your own funny captions for any of these images / videos and share your sense of humour with the rest of us in the comment! Or just tell me i'm not funny! 😁 

I arrange my captions from easy to hard to understand (you're free to disagree). I'm more than happy to explain any caption you don't understand. It could be my fault.

Funny Caption #1

Mouse in hardhat and mousetrap
An inspiration poster

"Never give up in giving into temptation."

"Hard hat for hard cheese."

"A deadly diet."

"Safety first."

"Food testing in a cheese factory."

"Is this going to be a cheesy ending?"

Funny Caption #2

baby Stroller with weapons
"Sir, let me introduce you to our latest TZ-3 model with all the optional extras."

"A baby crib to die for. From the crib to the grave, so to speak."

"M'am, this stroller also comes with 2 year warranty, and a lifetime firearms license."

"This pram is made by the same guy who made the chariot in Ben-Hur."

"Just in time for the coming summer sales."

"All the firearms are installed with silencers to maximize your baby comfort."

"The chrome steel make poop cleaning a breeze."

"Sir, don't touch the baby's head! These machine guns have hair triggers!"

"This stroller has been approved by the Department of Defense for low level combat skirmish."

"Hasta la vista, baby!"

Funny Caption #3

Cat in the pocket of a pair of pants

"The cat is out of the pants now."

"That's how I get a pussy into my pants."

"Puss, come out now. It's feeding time."

"Is that a puss in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

Funny Caption #4

Monkey robs female tourist
"Give me the map! I'm lost in the jungle without it!"

"You think you can just walk away with that bag of peanuts? Dream on!"

"It's an emergency. All the pharmacies are closed."

"'s like taking candy from a baby! Yeah!"

"Jane, give me back those divorce papers! I will never let you leave me for Tarzan!!!"

Funny Caption #5

A dog cleaning up poop pooh in a park / garden

"Ubu Good Dog."

"A crappy job."

"A dog's life."

"I don't mind the smell, but the pay is shitty."

"I'm in the doghouse. That's why I'm doing this."

"People! Don't pick up dog pooh with your hands. It's disgusting!"

"Hiring help is getting harder."

"Don't judge me. I'm working my way from the ground up."

"Quick question. Does this go into the organic section of the recycling bin?"

"Boss...that's not what I meant when I said I want to rake it in big!"

"If you want to get something done, you just have to do it yourself."

"Who let the neighbour dog out?"

"It must be a clerical error. I thought I put 'raking leaves' in my job application."

"I used to be a guard dog. I don't consider this a promotion."

"This is the last time I clean up after taking my pet human friend for a walk in the park."

"The secret is all in the wrist. Just go with the flow. Give yourself into the moment."

"Don't people read the dog warning sign at the gate any more?"

"Diagnosis? A low veggie diet."

Funny Caption #6

Cat kicks a dog in the face

"Take that! Dog face!"

"Krazy Kitty kicks K-9."

"It's the 1970s. Everyone does kung fu fighting."

"It's all part of the fun of living in the Matrix."

"I didn't kick him. He reverse-butted me."

"Kitty, you watched one too many The Karate Kid movies !"

"Boy! This one really comes out of the left field !"

"I have a dream!"

Funny Caption #7

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, host of Ancient Aliens on History Channel
Mr. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos of Ancient Alien TV show

"If I'm ever going to stop believing in aliens, please strangle me with your bare hands for the love of God!"

"My natural hairstyle lends a conclusive evidence that I've a strong genetic lineage to the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. My ancestors may have come from the Dog Star."

"The other day, I caught a flying saucer this big in my dining room. The tomato sauce spilled all over me, and gave me such a red face."

"Do people like a big juicy hamburger? Ancient astronaut theorists say 'yes'!"

Funny Caption #8

Angry looking husky pup

"Please leave! This is a private moment!"

"Don't you know that tickling me without my consent is a form of torture? So stop it!"

"Hands off ! I can do stomach crunches without any help! Thank you very much!"

Funny Caption #9

Cat punches a dog

"You want see a catfight? You get one."

"That's for calling me a pussycat!"

"I still think going to the vet dentist is easier."

"I said you should pack a lunch, kitty. A lunch!"

"I float like a butterfly, punch like Ali."

"I'll be Will Smith. You'll be Chris Rock, dog!"

Funny Caption #10

London police arrests man in Darth Vader mask

"I don't lay my hands on somebody's neck when I strangle it!"

"Get your hands off me you dirty apes!" (Sorry wrong movie!)

"Use the Force, Luke! The British Police Force!"

"That's not how the Force works!" - Han Solo

Funny Caption #11

Angry man in office smashing computer screen with keyboard

"A computer breakthrough and through..."

"This PC model is a smashing hit."

"Code rage."

"A disassembly programmer at work."

"The infamous blue scream of death."

"He forgot to turn on autosave."

"A hacker's idea of a brute force attack approach."

Funny Caption #12

Car with clothes on rack on top of car roof


"Fashion on the go."

"A moving sale?"

"Fast fashion."

"Top of the line fashion."

"Taking the phrase 'airing dirty laundry in public' too literally."

"This isn't what I had in mind when the car dealer said he would throw in a dryer with the car."

"Some greenies put solar panels on the car roof, others laundry."

"There are more room for clothes in the car. Good for undies. Just wind down the windows."

Funny Caption #13

Ostrich-drawn carriage pulled over by Motorcycle Police for over-speeding in 1930

Ostrich-drawn carriage stopped by
Motorcycle Police for over-speeding in 1930

"Slow down, Ben-Hur. This bird is dangerously close to trotting. Keep it under 5 mph."

"Mr. this is an ostrich. Not a road runner."

"Driver license and ostracisation please."

Funny Caption #14

Bill and Hilary Clinton, and Buddy the dog
the Clintons' dog Buddy

"He makes no bones about it that he's happy to see you, Bill."

"He's giving you a full-on presidential reception."

"Looks like Buddy is looking for his favorite goody."

"This is a detection dog from the D.A.'s Office sniffing for dirty laundry."

"Seems like he wants to get into your pants, as well."

"There's something so oddly familiar about it..."

Funny Caption #15

Cat covers face with paw

"Yawn...your sob story is putting me to sleep..."

"These videos of yesteryears bring back so much fond memories..."

"Heehee...sorry. It's a silent and deadly one."

"Thoughts of weekend just puts a smile on my face."

"My paw smells so nice...I can do it all day."

Funny Caption #16

Balcony, Prince William wedding, UK
Prince William wedding day

"I can see some smut on it."

"Just a sec...William, it's almost done."

"Kate, this is a bit premature...I'm not a King yet. Please rise."

"Right, what's all this, then?"

"Catherine in the Middle."

"Uncle Willie, is it going to explode soon?"

Funny Caption #17

Jacket with 3 Heads of teddy bears on fashion runway

"Yeah, she's heads over heels for that jacket."

"Four heads are better than one."

"Going to movie in this outfit is an invitation to get a punch in the face. But which one?"

"I wouldn't wear this jacket for dinner buffet where you're charged by head count."

"Two's company, five's a crowd."

"Hello, whom are you talking to? I'm over here!"

"If you dare, come here and say that to my faces!"

"Does my bum look big in this?"

"How now, brown mouse?"

Funny Caption #18

Dog Hugging cat passionately

"Mon chéri kitty...Have I ever told you how beautiful you're lately? Muah!"

"Go away, you stinky dog! Did you just eat out of the rubbish bin again?"

"Cut it out! You're just not my type!"

"Let me show you how to apply the half nelson."

"Stop it! You're freaking out the human!"

Funny Caption #19

Funny Photo, Cat lies on its Back between Pillows

"'ve found me."

"This place is mine. Come any closer I'll punch your lights out."

"I believe I can fly !"

Funny Caption #20

Funny photo: A Pup with Two Ponytails

"What? Something on my face?"

"Have you seen my hair curler?"

"Why are we all dressed up? Are we going some where?"

"I know you're missing your ex girl friend. Isn't dressing me up like this is going too far?"

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Funny Captions #81 - #100

Funny Caption #81 "I just hope you're having tea with me, not having me for tea." "That impression of a dog with your ton...